From Arts and Crafts Corner In the famous Hariher Kshetra Sonpur Mela , the village which was dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi is giving a unique message of promotion through the arts and crafts , built in the Gram Shree Mandap Gao. Make in Bihar is playing an important role in moving forward the mission of make in India in the country. The people belonging to the villages are making their dream come true by their own talent and skills.With the front sale, these small entrepreneurs are also getting branding of products. However, in the fair ,the Gram Shree Mandap Gao is being constructed from the last several years , but the number of faces and quality has improved in comparison with earlier . The artwork made from bamboo of this place is making people more attracted to them. Many useful items for the house with decorative fronts are...
मोक्षदायिनी गंगा और गंडक नदी के संगम पर ऐतिहासिक, धार्मिक और पौराणिक महत्व वाले सोनपुर क्षेत्र में लगने वाला सोनपुर मेला प्रत्येक वर्ष कार्तिक महीने से शुरू होकर एक महीने तक चलता है.|
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